So, I haven’t written in such a long time, but life has been happening. Sorry for not having read your blogs for a while.

This recently came to my attention, and LADIES, I feel I need to warn you!

when googling myself, you know, to check what was out there, regarding me, I came upon hundreds of my profile photos that I’d innocently uploaded over the years onto Facebook.

I know diddly squat about how this works, so began a painstaking process of removing all of my images from google. It’s one hell of a process, which im still to check if they’re removed.

However, I then happened upon one of my pictures of me, that a woman who wrote she hailed from Texas, using MY face and name as HERS! Who went on to claim all sorts of crap about herself (me) and this doesn’t serve to make me all proud and vain …like (ooo look, someone wants my face!) noooo, I was scared shitless and reported it immediately to google, who I pray has removed it. And her, (me) whoever she or he is.

Then, it gets worse. We innocently post our favourite profile pics of ourselves on Facebook, and guess what’s happening to your pic if “they” like it?

Well, it’s taken from your profile, and is then used in porno mags, putting YOUR face, photoshopped onto a naked woman’s body, legs wide open, with God knows what else on or who’s with (you, ) perhaps some animals like donkeys or something, clearly looking exactly like it’s you doing the porn thing. No way to tell the difference, and no way to defend yourself. This, my friends, is now presumed by everyone who purchases porn mags, to be YOUR body, and YOU, like getting cozy with whatever they wanna do with your pics.!!

so please do yourself a favour. Google your name, on google obviously, and have a look at the amount of info that’s out there, using your name and face. Then, go through the long annoying process of removing all images of yourself off of Google.

Then you might want to use a plant, shell, animal, whatever, as every picture you put on fb or even blogging sites as you.

Protect yourselves! There are seriously creepy, bad people out there, and I certainly never even thought about this happening.

The same goes for people, who try befriend you on fb. DONT accept anyone, unless you personally know them. False pictures and names are used to get into your account, and the hell begins. It’s just another form of hacking. In such an evil sinister way.

wheres my cave!? Oh that’s right, I found it, and will be forever more a beautiful plant.


When we talk about abuse, there are many various ways people see abuse, or feel about abuse.

Some people feel that if the shop owner shouts at them for reading a magazine without paying for it, that is abuse.

Other people feel that if their Spouse comes home and moans about the dinner, that is abuse.

And yet another person who’s partner slaps them around the face when he or she is angry, feels that is abuse.

Can we call the above actions abusive?

Yes of course we can. But as adults, we’re able to process what is being hurled at us, and deal with it appropriately.

A child however, when neglected; or sexually abused; physically abused; mentally abused or emotionally abused;  doesn’t see or know that they’re being abused. They normally internalize the horrific abuse they are suffering, and blame themselves for doing something ‘wrong’.

They try hard to find out what they’re doing wrong, because in their innocent minds, they believe that they must be doing something wrong to be so hurt in so many ways all the time, or frequently, mostly by people who are supposed to love them. People they trust and look up to. So something like the following happens;

‘I must be quieter, if I don’t talk or laugh then I’m a good girl/boy , then they’ll love me’….so the child loses his or her voice.

‘If I hide away all day, in the bushes, or in the park, then they won’t see me and I’ll be safe for a while and I won’t make them angry’….so the child becomes invisible. Losing Self at the same time.

‘If I make tea all day and cook dinner, even though the stove is a bit high up for me, they’ll see what a good hard working boy/girl I am, and then they’ll love me’….so the child becomes a slave in his or her home..growing up to believe that to be loved is to work as hard as one can no matter what the work is.

There are a gazillion examples of how small children who are being abused think and feel, but always, always they try their best to ‘fix’ it. Never does the abused child believe that their parents, siblings, Uncles, Aunts or anyone else that they love, does these things to them, because they’re HORRIBLE, EVIL people who should be shot.

Never does the abused child seek help, because he or she believes they’re naughty and deserve the punishment. It doesn’t occur to an innocent child, that they can seek help; and what is being done to them, is evil and deeply despicable in it’s worst form.

One of the WORST outcomes of childhood abuse, (apart from death), is the child consenting to the abuse, believing that is love.  The fact that whatever the abuse is, is hurting them and causing massive damage and harm to them physically, emotionally and mentally, does not enter their minds. They learn to accept it, believing that this is what love is…..so the child grows up moving from abusive relationship to abusive relationship, never able to settle down with a healthy relationship, because they’ve grown up with abuse. The abused child – now adult, recognises abuse as love. If they’re not being abused, they may feel unloved, because actual love, the reality of love, is foreign to them. Like a language they don’t understand.

The other HORROR that comes from such abuse in a small child’s life, is mental illness. Not only are they scarred from years of abuse in one form or another or many at the same time, but they’re then stuck with a broken brain, that won’t function normally, suffer deep depressions, and very often end up killing themselves and/or self harming. Not due to the abuse strangely enough, but due to the resultant mental illness the abuse has caused.

This reality brought me to thinking about what is happening to the Children stuck in war zones around the World. Starving Children, who get slapped or punched if they don’t stop crying from hunger, or ignored, or put out to prostitution from as young as 8 years old.

Children lying next to their dead Mother’s or Father’s, with blood gushing out their Parent’s head, desperately trying to wake their Mother or Father up. Not understanding what is going on, and terrified.

Children who are so traumatised at the sight of their entire families being blown up, they too, lose their voices, and if they do ever manage to speak again,  they usually stutter or suffer other speech impediments….and definitely suffer a mental illness.

I won’t go on. It’s way too distressing, but to say that if you are a victim of Child abuse in any form or fashion, whether you suffer a mental illness because of it or not. Take your power back! Tell yourself it never was your fault. Forgive yourself. Sounds crazy, but you carry guilt only due to the fact that you could never process what was happening to you in the right way, so forgive yourself.

I always advise people who write to me as I’m a mental health advocate; to write it all down. Be brave. Be courageous. Write everything you endured down and then read it. Read it again. Accept it, because you cannot change it. Then burn the paper you’ve written it on. Every time a memory crops up, immediately drop it. Don’t dwell on it.

The past is over. It no longer exists. You cannot bring one moment of the past into your present. Good or bad. So let it go. Drop it. Everytime a thought about whomever it was that hurt you comes into your head, drop the thought immediately.

No matter how bitter, broken, hurt, angry, disappointed, or wishful we are about a horrendous Childhood;  won’t change it, or make it better. Nothing will candy coat the sickening truth. So acceptance (not forgiving or writing to that person, or even thinking of them) is necessary, for healing.

Not accepting what or who they are, but accepting that the past happened. It’s done. No amount of therapy will make it pretty.

Basically, you can’t unfuck a fuck, but you can choose to drop it.

Past and future are in the mind only — I am now.

– Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

I’m hurting to the core………..

Mama doesn’t hear me

and I still hear the dustbin clatter

Mama doesn’t want me

Tell me does it matter?

Mama fights with Daddy, all day I hear her screaming

And I hide by the big old oak tree my tears down my face are streaming.

I sit quietly by that tree, just like a little mouse

My tummy hurts cuz I’m hungry as a horse

But no one knows what goes on in my ramshackled house

no one would care of course.

If I died an angel would come and take me up to heaven

And Jesus would sit me on his lap and feed me bread that’s leven

Please dear Jesus take me, I can’t take no more

Daddy’s coming for me, I’m hurting to the core.

child crying

(Dedicated to all the people who’ve come from abusive homes and are now fighting mental illness as a result)

Till next time

Love Deborah x