The Thinker of Thoughts

Hi Folks

We have a gazillion thoughts rushing through our heads everyday, all day. However, what is it that we actually think about?

To my mind, racing thoughts, and actually ‘thinking’  (or pondering) about something, are 2 different things.

To actively THINK about something, you have to have a certain issue, or topic that is on your mind, which you give most of your attention to. Sometimes we think about what to eat, other times, we think about what to wear, then again at another time, we’ll think about what to say! ad nauseum…..

Isn’t that a strange ‘thought’? See, I’m ‘thinking’ now, about what I’m writing! at the same time, I have a gazillion other thoughts racing around the back of my brain like fast cars on a racetrack and I have NO idea what they are on about. 🙂

So I guess the saying ‘to get side tracked’, must come from this. LOL…just a guess! 🙂

The point I’m making really, is that no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to drop your thoughts, which more often than not, lead to stress as well as distress,  unless you go into quiet meditation, and even then, thoughts will come to mind, but you can let them go, like clouds passing in the sky. To hold onto thoughts is just plain no good. (unless you’re thinking about that awesome vacation to that beautiful island with the coral reefs……..I know right?)

Think about what you ‘think’ about. Are your thoughts happy or sad? How do your thoughts make you feel? Negative or Positive about life and living?

A very good strategy to adopt, is one of learning how to quieten the mind. You do this, by allowing a thought that comes to mind, which makes you feel sad or uneasy, go. You simply watch it go, as if you were watching a cloud in the sky passing. You don’t have to actively ‘do’ anything, just gently let go.

When we learn to not pay so much attention to the noise in our heads, the thoughts that bombard us with ‘what if’s’ and such, stop coming. It’s amazing how those troublesome thoughts go away, as if you’ve just closed the door on an unwanted salesman! Wonderful…:)

Try it! You’ll learn to love it. 🙂

Till next time

Love Deborah x

A kink in the Armour

Hi Folks

I’ve watched so many talks on TED.X on mental illness, and understand so much about it, as well as being mentally ill myself (I believe in knowledge and education), I could write a book. 🙂 Pity I can’t fix a misfiring, misbehaving brain though! That would be first prize.

Seriously though, doesn’t everyone have some sort of ‘kink in their Armour’?  In today’s stressed out, money driven, success fixated world, surely more and more people are becoming mentally ill in one form or another,  mostly by way of depression?. Unless there are people who just get ‘sad’ for a while, and never suffer depression.

Depression is now called a ‘brain disease’. It’s classed as a mental illness. Not just a bout of ‘feeling blue’, or ‘go for a walk you’ll feel better’, (as so many misinformed keep suggesting to those who are depressed), but a serious disease of the brain. A person who is depressed, most days, cannot get out of bed, let alone shower.

So who is at risk?

The person who’s brain is already sick, and then, through overload of stress,  gets hit with depression that just won’t leave?

Or, could it be that if someone, overloaded with stress, suffers a ‘temporary setback’ and gets depressed for a week or so, is NOT mentally ill? thereby directly contradicting what Scientists have decided what depression is?

Or…. could it be that someone, who suffers a traumatic life event, which has caused a  depression, just has a ‘kink in their Armour’ for a while.?

How depressed do you have to be, in order to be classed as mentally ill?

Well, to my mind, if you suffer from chronic depression, then you could be classed as being mentally ill, but if, through a tragic or stressful life event, you are going through a phase of depression, how can you possibly be classed as being mentally ill? Unless…..according to Science, you, and the rest of the world, are actually mentally ill, in a milder form than chronic depressives perhaps, but ill, nonetheless.

So it then stands to reason, that we all have a kink in our Armour! To a stronger or lesser degree.

Contemplate that one! Would you call yourself mentally ill if you’ve suffered from a bout of depression?

A note on Bipolar and Borderline

Hi Folks,

I really wish you all a great year ahead, with loads of love and laughter.

I personally don’t believe in ‘New Year’ resolutions, because when they fail, one gets to feel like a failure, measuring yourself against some idea you came up with for this New Year! I say just do what comes naturally to you, and don’t pressure yourself. It’s simply not worth it.

We decided to close ‘TradeRoutz’ website, because it was costing a fortune, and I know zip about how to promote and keep a website up on google’s ratings, and the stress became too much for me. So I switched to Ebay to sell my goods, and it’s working! No more distress, which is GOOD for a Bi Polar.

On the note of Bi polar disorder, as well as Borderline disorder,  I’m very happy to let you all know, that a psychologist contacted me, through my youtube channel, on mental illness (Bipolarline) – and is willing to counsel those of you who are struggling for FREE! This is almost unheard of, and I’m so grateful to him.

The cost to see Psychologists, or Psychiatrists is huge, and most people cannot afford it, so they go largely ignored, end up homeless and take to street drugs, which eventually kill them. This is the tragedy facing people who suffer with mental illness of any kind, who simply don’t have the funds to seek help.

The stats for Bi Polar disorder seem to be rising, as well as Borderline Personality disorder. I feel the reason for this, is that those afflicted with these conditions feel ‘safer’ to disclose them.

Mental illness still has such a stigma attached to it, which to my mind shows the incredible ignorance and lack of care from the public at large, who haven’t a clue about what mental illness is! Most think that people with mental illness are dangerous. Not true. Please research if you are unsure!

Please visit my youtube channel – Bipolarline – where I share everything I know with not only sufferers of Bi Polar and Borderline, but their partners and family members too.

Bi Polar is a horrible condition, which the late Carrie Fisher suffered from as well, and  much more awareness needs to be raised about this condition, as well as funding for those who have no money to seek help.

Together we can make this happen.

With love



A New Reality

Hi Folks,

I came upon this brilliant poem on mental illness, and thought I’d share it with you! It certainly gives good insight into what one feels when diagnosed with a mental illness. 


When first my mind began to slip

I grappled hard in panic

pretended all was still OK and hid my inner manic.

Frantically I clutched on straws invented good excuses

criticised and kicked myself and many self abuses.

Thought it soon would all come right I’m just stressed and tired

offloaded things I couldn’t do on staff I quickly hired.

Disbelief and overwhelm denial, shock, confusion

What is real or what is true? psychosis and delusion.

This cannot be, it mustn’t be, so harsh unfair and cruel

The solid meat of sweet success reduced to sloppy gruel.

Then self pity and despair and finally submission

It took a sense of humour to accept my new position.


Terri Ann Laws