The Kingdom of Us.

Street Psychiatry

I watched an incredible movie/documentary, about a woman who has 7 kids, all autistic, some of whom also suffered with dyslexia.

Not only was this documentary real, honest and raw, as the director spent 3 years filming the family every day, as they continued with their lives. Brilliantly edited,  an undisputeably mind blowing documentary/film, is the only way I can describe this one.

It shows the reality of mental illness, in another of it’s forms. Autism. I don’t want to spoil it for you, should you watch it, but I highly recommend you watch this documentary/film. So why am I talking about this?

It further confirmed my belief that we do not have to be broken by our circumstances,  past, or even present. (In part). It also clearly shows the different behaviors of people who suffer different types of mental illness. Not all mentally ill sufferers have the same…

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